App Analytics on the iOS App Store

So you’ve published an iPhone app. The downloads are flowing in. Well, maybe it’s more of a trickle compared to what you’ve envisioned. How do you give your app analytics on the iOS App Store a boost? With Data Science!

Analytics on the App Store Logo

Introduction to App Store Analytics

The App Store provides an “analytics hub” to measure, track and make decisions based on your performance. We’ll give a quick primer on what you can do and how it can help!

Let’s say we want to optimize for app downloads. The App Analytics home page gives a quick overview, showing Impressions, Units (aka Downloads), Proceeds, Sessions, and Crashes.

Home Analytics on the App Store Logo

Before someone downloads your app, people will see your app by browsing the App Store, through search results, or by finding their way to your product page. Each time a user sees your app in these areas, it counts as an impression.

Analytics on the App Store Chart Impressions and Product Page Views
Analytics Chart Conversion Rate and Total Downloads

An impression is the start of the user acquisition journey to a precious download. Your conversion rate is the number of downloads divided by the unique impressions for your app. Thus, you can increase your downloads by increasing the number of impressions or improving your conversion rate (or both)!

To figure out how to move the needle on these metrics, we need to take a deeper dive. You can view a larger chart on each of these areas and inspect the data by different parameters such as date, device, source type, and region.

App Analytics Impressions by Source Type

When you filter by the different parameters, you can take a peak into the acquisition sources. Using data science to analyze your analytics can reveal insights into where your opportunities are, and allow you to make the changes to take your downloads to the next level!

Further Reading

For further reading, check out Apple’s Measuring App Performance for more information on user acquisition! And if you are looking for data scientists, or want to work as one yourself, check out Data Science Jobs Canada for data scientist employment in Toronto, Vancouver, Remote jobs, and more!

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